March 16, 2009

Want a Special Sister?

When I was a little girl the women of my church had a program called Secret Sisters where all ladies who wanted to participate would put their names in a hat and have a drawing. The name you drew was the person you'd secretly send cards or small gifts to in order to brighten their day. It was always fun to have a secret sister, but you never found who she was until everyone's identity was reveals months later at the end of the program. 

I always thought how great it would be to know the lady you were paired up with in order to better get to know her through your time together, which prompted me to start the Special Sister program in our women's Sunday school class. Ladies who want to participate fill out a Special Sister Information Sheet with information about their family, occupation, favorite foods, hobbies etc. After I receive all the sheets I pray over the stack asking the Lord to pair the women. Once paired up, I mail each lady her new sister's information sheet. From then on out the women have four months to acknowledge, encourage, and pray for the person God has place in their life. It's a wonderful way to gain a new friend and prayer warrior.

Now, I'm curious. Do you have a similar program for the ladies in your church. If so, please share. I'd love to hear about it. If you would like to know how to start a Special Sister program in your class let me know and I'll be happy to help you get started. 

Oh, that reminds me. I have to get a birthday card for my special sister, Dana. Gotta run. 


Cheryl Barker said...

Nancy, our church used to have Secret Sisters, but then they went to Prayer Sisters -- much like what you're describing. I didn't join the Prayer Sisters when they went to that because at the time, I just couldn't take on another prayer commitment. I was kind of overloaded. I know it's a blessing to all who participate, though.

Amy E. said...

What a wonderful thing do do! We don't have a Special Sister program that I know of..but my church is alittle large..but would not be surprised of some of the individual classes did something similiar.

I think my mom does something like that with the nursery workers back home.

Abba's Girl said...

My church does not have a program like this, I think I will introduce it to my home Bible Study group which is on break for the next 2 weeks.