February 16, 2009

Our Struggles Are Not Necessarily Weakness


Cheryl Barker said...

Nancy, I so identify with what you've shared this week -- from feeling like I'd break down if someone showed me some love to knowing that the praise I sometimes receive is so undeserved (like you, if only they knew how I struggle at times in my heart!) Thanks for reminding me that Christ can and does shine through me, especially in my weakness.

Blessings to you this week!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Mrs. Nancy,

Bless your heart. Be encouraged! I understand that fragile, weak feeling you were talking about. I have felt it for most of my life because of my life circumstances. That is good, because that makes us know that He is our source of strength. He provides everything we need for life and godliness. Gal. 6:9-10, He strengthens us to not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not give up. Isa. 46:4 He will carry us and deliver us even to the end of our gray years. I was blessed by your video. When we are weak, we are strong in HIM, and He gets the glory. He is into conforming us to His image, proving us genuine (Rom. 8:29)Praise Him! With much Christian love in HIM,

your sister in CHRIST,


Tammy said...

This is a great message! You always make me think and desire a deeper understanding in Christ.

love and hugs~Tammy

Abba's Girl said...

Out of our struggles come our testimonies to the glory of God. (Though struggles are not fun.)

People have told me in the 3 weeks since my father died, my faith and peace has spoken to them as they face illness...they know I grieve but they know I am assured I will see my father again.

Created for God's Design said...


Thank you for this gentle reminder. It is after all his power...not ours.

And it is through our struggles that we grow the most.

'not by might or by power but by my spirit declares the Lord of hosts" Zechariah 4:6