As I prepared for class, the thought crossed my mind, “I wonder if they will feel comfortable and talkative or uneasy and quiet with me, the new gal, in class.” To be honest I expect a little of both, but was pleasantly surprised to discover they were a very talkative, fun, grateful, and energetic group of ladies. Before class ever began it was clear this group was going to be fun, and they were!
I don’t know whether my lesson blessed these precious ones or not, I certainly hope it did. One thing I know for sure is they were a blessing to me and God was definitely present. At the end of class they asked to pray over me, which they did with utmost love. I was humbled in their presence and blessed to meet such dear sisters in Christ.
Thank you ladies for a wonderful morning. I pray our paths cross again soon!
Visit Nancy's Website: Olive Leaf Ministries
Sounds like it was a really sweet time. Aren't those times just precious??
Hi Nancy,
You visited my blog (and left a note - thank you) so I thought I'd mosey on over to yours. Glad I did. What a wonderful work God has given you to do. I have several friends with children of varying degrees of disabilities & special needs. I think they would all agree that they could use all the encouragement and wisdom God has to give them. Thanks for what you do.
Glad your Bible study went well too.
Be blessed.
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. Always love to meet new friends. I can't take credit for Thankful Thursday. I discovered it through Susan at Forever His (http://susan2956.blogspot.com). Her site links to others that are taking part...its quite a blessing indeed! = )
I've enjoyed getting to know you a bit via your blog. Loved your post about listening, really listening and cherishing the gift of communcation with our children. What a great reminder spoken from your heart.
Glad you had such a sweet time with those precious ladies at Bible study. How that must have encouraged your heart.
Hope our paths cross often here in Blogworld!
Hi, Nancy, News item from another blog
http://simplysable dot blogspot dot com/2008/04/b-ceos-daughter-20-passes-away dot html
Prayers requested.
Thanks to your comment on my blog, I have found your wonderful blog and Bible Studies.
I am going to tell a friend about Freedom, Healing for Parents of Disabled Children. I think it will be a big help to her at this time.
I pray God blesses you in a mighty way today.
Hi, Nancy,
Have you seen the book: The Blogging Church?
If you already know about it, please share your thoughts on it. Barbara
Nancy, it sounds like it was a blessing for everyone that was there that day!
This looks really good I will have to check in on this once I get back to Utah, my church here doens't do many Studies like this so i'm hoping that I will find a church or group of women that do them...
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. I can't wait to read more of yours.
Be blessed today!
What a powerful confirmation of the calling that God has placed upon your life to write and teach. It must thrill your heart to know that God is teaching and shaping hearts through your words. And then to be able to actually sit amongst your students and teach?
Abundant fruit, my friend. Keep it growing.
How neat that you've been able to have this ministry. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
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