Married May 28,1983
“Thank you for being such a godly man.” These are words I’ve said to my husband, Jimmy, more than a few times these past few months. With so many marriages around us scattering to the wind, we find ourselves stunned by what lies in so many relationships. Distance, disrespect, infidelity, selfishness, greed, anger, and abuse, just to name a few. What’s most distressing is these are marriages within the church.
In April of 1982 I made a deal with God. “Lord, I am no longer going to look for the man you have for me. Instead, I am going to begin praying for him.” And, that’s exactly what I did. Praying for God to prepare him to be a godly husband, father, and leader, I went to bed each night with a huge smile on my face asking God to tell him I loved him, trusting He could accomplish this though we were still yet strangers.
Six months later Jimmy and I met and within seven months were married. Twenty-four years later, we are still best friends. We love, encourage, support, and pray for one another more than ever before. I never get tired of this wonderful man and I can’t tell you how much I admire his ability to stand faithful and true to his God and family in the midst of such a troubled world. He is a rare commodity and a priceless treasure I thank God for daily.
Like all marriages, ours faces the usual 50/50 odds of survival, but that’s not all. We face far more ominous odds. With an 85% chance of failure due to Jimmy’s full-time travel and an additional 80% chance of breakdown as parents of an Autistic child, we should have parted ways long ago. But oddly enough, we grow stronger each passing year. Why? Because we have a bond that is not easily broken, the love of God in our hearts.
Marriage is tough there is no question about it, but ours is a testament to the truth that any marriage “can” survive. Even a marriage on life-support can be revived and brought back to life by the great Physician and it starts by praying for your spouse, marriage, and family. It is the most powerful thing you can do and should never be left as the last resort.
If it’s difficult for you to trust in the power of prayer, keep in mind that God is always at work, even when we cannot see what He is doing. I know this is true since it’s no coincidence that in April of 1982, when I began to pray for God to bless my future husband, Jimmy accepted Christ as his Savior and was transformed into the very man I so highly value today. Without question God honors our prayers and seeks to preserve all marriages, but we must put Him first in our hearts. Call on Him today and see what He can do for you!
Visit Nancy's website at: Olive Leaf Ministries
What a beautiful love story, Nancy! My husband and I will be celebrating our 15th in May too! It seems like it has gone so fast, but I can't imagine my life before him now either. God has blessed us, truly.
Love the picture!
Good for you! My our Lord be praised for your faithfulness to Him and to each other. I also loved your post about your son - and not taking the ability to communicate for granted. My kiddos are 7 and 5, and that was a good reminder for me to be thankful that they can talk. I am not always as excited as I should be.
Blessings to you as you raise Dani - I have 2 friends that have disabled children. Thank you for sharing your story, as it helps me to relate to theirs.
Also, Ecclesi is adorable!
Hope it gets warm soon for you!
I totally understand what you are saying, my husband and I have been married for just over 25 years, and i see marriages falling apart all over the place... And like you I made a vow to God all those years ago if I was to get married I would end that marriage... and I have stayed true to my word, and I pray all the familys that are getting torn apart...
Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you for the prayers...
Thank you for the witness of your words and the witness of our Father who enables us to do the "hard" things of this life. You and your husband have done it, and I am blessed by your obedience and love to walk all things through.
Your story is a message of hope to all who are going through some "tough" times in marriage.
That is a beautiful testimony of your marriage.
I have a wonderful husband too and am so thankful for him.
I began praying for my children and who they would marry back when my daughter was in kindergarten and my son was in 2nd grade. There was a popular song then called "Somewhere In the World."
I began to think about that little boy and that little girl out there growing up just like my kids and I would pray for God to take care of them and their families. Through different times in their lives I would think about something my child was going through and wonder if "they" were going through similar things. It was absolutely God who led my daughter to her husband. My son is still single, but I tell him all the time....she's out there. I've never stopped praying for her.
Thanks again for sharing about your sweet marriage.
Beautiful story. My husband and I have a similar love story. He's such an answer to prayer. I pray that we'll still be best friends 25 years from now.
God is what's missing in so many marriages. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing the beautiful relationship between you, your husband, and Our Lord. In our worship tradition, my husband and I live in a sacrament.
Happily in love with God and Rob, Barbara
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