December 10, 2011

A Godly Legacy

I've long since learned the importance of starting each day in the presence of God. Just a little time with Him orients my heart and mind on to a good and godly course. Like a cup of coffee, His Word is the perfect spiritual boost.

There are a variety of ways to begin our time with God, I like to spice things up to keep it interesting. Sometimes I read from my daily Bible reading, like when I'm reading through a particular book or I do a lesson in whatever current Bible study I am working on, which at the time is "From the Trash Pile to the Treasure Chest" by Leah Adams. After each reading or lesson, I pause to ascertain the theme of the day. Once this is boiled down, I pray that message over the individuals on my prayer list. It's a great blueprint.

Leah's Bible study directs us how to create a Godly legacy. As a Biblically sound teacher, she does a great job shepherding the reader through these valuable principles. This morning we went over the character traits of God, which refreshed my heart with the reminder that He is loving, strong, compassionate, gracious, mighty, true, and delights over me so much He sings over me. (This goes for you too!) (Zephaniah 3:17) I prayed these very things over those on my prayer list with the knowledge that when we pray God's word back to Him, He hears and answers with joy.

If you are shopping for a great women's study for your church/in-home group or personal study, consider Leah's work. This study would be a great gift for Christmas (it's not too late to visit her website and order your copy today) and upcoming occasions like Valentine's (friends) Day, Mother's Day, and birthdays.

Check Leah out today and whatever you do, by hook or by crook...stay in the word of God.

Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

Leah Adams said...


Thank you so much for the shout out about the Legacy study. I appreciate it more than you know. I pray it continues to speak to your heart and the hearts of others, as well. God bless you.