January 24, 2010

Winter Run

Ecclesiastes been so needy lately sticking to us like glue. Last night at 11:07 pm he was in my face for no good reason. Jimmy said he had just been outside to potty (Ecclesi not Jimmy) yet instead of heading off to bed he came in, put his wet nose in my face, and woke me from a fitful sleep (Ecclesi not Jimmy). If he weren't so cute I'd have popped him on his furry little noggin (of course I could never) when he then tried to get up on the bed in the middle of the night...and it wasn't even storming outside. He needed something but what could it be?

When morning came it dawned on us. The dogs have been stuck inside for days on end. Oh they get their car rides but that doesn't burn off their energy in the least. The 11 inches of snow have melted and now the yard and field is a muddy miry mucky of a mess. Even a gentle walk on the sparse grass calls for a bath. With this in mind Jimmy decided to give them a try on the treadmill and the results were great!

My baby Ecclesi smiled from ear to fury ear during his stationary trek.

Cocoa Bean took his turn and ran like he'd been a health club member all his life. The dogs are now resting as if they'd chased frisbees all day long. Now, maybe just maybe I won't be woke in the middle of the night by a big bored lab looking me point blank in the eye.

Our babies don't know it but they are dying for spring. Perhaps you are too!

For tips on running your dog on the treadmill visit Jimmy's website.


katiegfromtennessee said...

Oh Funny Mrs. Nancy!:)


Cheryl Barker said...

Loved your "Ecclesi not Jimmy" touches :) And yes, I'm looking forward to spring, too!