August 26, 2008

Ah..... Autumn

Oh how I love autumn in Kansas City. The sun glistens on the dewy grass in the morning and the air is crisp, cool, and refreshing. It's a wonderful reprieve from the sweltering days of summer.

About this time I get a hankerin' to put out my fall decorations. Pumpkins, scarecrows, and apple scented soap dispensers. It's all so fun. This time of the year lifts my spirit so much I even enjoyed poop scooping this morning!  

Here's a little of what I enjoy. (minus the poo)

Just bought this wagon wheel at Michael's.

I love my apple scented soap dispensers,
 but the soap is scarce as hen's teeth.  
You have to buy new pumpkins to get more soap.  
I figured there's more than one way to skin a cat, 
which I'd never do cause I love cats, 
so I bought Bath and Body's Christmas soap last year 
to put in my pumpkins this year.
Talk about planning ahead.

Here's a kitty/pumpkin night-light made from a gourd.
You can't see it but he has whiskers.

Enjoy the new season ladies.  Refresh your soul with the word of God as you breath in His sweet sweet Spirit. I love you all and pray for you each day. Some of you are going through difficult times, while others are struggling with a change of season. Both instances are difficult I know.  I've lived through many seasons and been stuck in some for a what seemed like a lifetime. Please know that God is at work wherever you are.  He's planting, watering, and cultivating His fruit in you. Enjoy your season and savor the moment for one day this too shall pass.

Also, please allow me to apologize for not being able to visit your blogs each week as I used to.  I am very busy writing, taping, and teaching, but here's the deal. My goal is to visit a few blogs one week and visit others the next, kind of like a rotating schedule type thing.  If by chance, however, you post something that you feel would be of particular interest to me, let me know and I'll visit right away.  I don't want to miss a thing.

Before I forget I have to tell you something that keeps happening to me. Whenever I'm out and about I will often pass a lady that makes me think of one of you. If she looks like the picture on your icon, it's all I can do to keep myself from grabbing her arm and saying "Hi!  I'm Nancy.  Your blog buddy!"  I've never done this. Instead, I smile as I think of you and say a prayer on your behalf.  You truly enrich my life.



Regina said...

You are too sweet. Thanks for thinking and praying for us. You will be in mine while you are busy writing. May God give you His words.

Linda said...

You've got me all fired up to do some fall decorating. I'm in Arizona right now but when I get out people...fall will have begun!

(Your fall accessories look great! It is such a wonderful, refeshing time of year. I love it too!)

Anonymous said...

I am waiting till Friday night to put up my fall stuff. I am so excited that fall is on its way. My favorite time of the year for all of the reasons you mentioned (except for the poo!) heehee

Alene said...

I love your Fall decor! This post has left me with the smell of autumn. I have got to get my Fall decor out and get ready. However, down here in south Texas it will certainly be awhile before it "feels" like Fall. Thanks for bringing the aroma of Fall this way!

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Hi Nancy,

I am visiting for the first time today. This is a pleasant place of encouragement and safety to let down your guard. I love your blog home. Thank you for the fun fall pics, too! It's still pretty warm outside down here in the south so I'll be waiting a few more weeks to bring out my fall items.

God Bless!
Nice meeting you!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Mrs. Nancy!

Thanks for your post on my blog, and this post too-Praise the Lord! I know that this fertility season will pass eventually. I just don't know how long this will take, but God has been carrying me through it. I am having to make some hard decisions about treatment options. I talked agout it a little on my blog today. If you could pray for me, I would be sooo grateful!:) Praying for you and your ministry:)

Love in Christ,


Cheryl Barker said...

Nancy, I love fall decor, too. You are on the ball to have yours out already! :)

Thanks for praying for us, your blogging sisters in Christ!


Abba's Girl said...

Please send fall to Southeast Texas! The other Annette and I would be so thankful.

Your pictures are beautiful.

Have a great weekend and a blessed Sabbath.

Tammy said...

Your fall decorations give me a cozy feeling. Thank you for your prayers and your words of encouragement.

God's Blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

Autumn is my favorite season! LOVE all your goodies. Especially the lil wooden kitty. He looks just like our Cat! :o)

May you never run into a woman that looks like my icon! Snort.

valerie said...

What beautiful fall decoratons.
I'm ready for fall.
Nancy, I understand about commenting to everyone. It's really hard at times when life gets really busy. I think we all understand and to know that you are praying for all of us is so sweet. Thank you!
I loved the pictures of your husband and dog on their birthdays.
How fun!

Francine said...

Your comment on how you "planned ahead" and bought the appropriate soap for your pumpkin dispensers is priceless - it made me smile from ear to ear. That is one of those little things that make us happy - like your mug! I am glad I am not the only one that thinks of my blog buddies when I see people out on the street! I think of you often and pray for you when you cross my mind. I hope the ideas are flowing in from above for "One Size Fits All".