It was time for Dani to get new glasses. She is 20 years old
(I swear she's found the fountain of youth and won't tell us where it's at) and we wanted a newer more modern look, so off we went shopping for just the right frames. She doesn't look like she was having fun (it's the Autism) but she was very much looking forward to a new look.


She is
so proud of her new glasses that yesterday when we got in the car she immediately pulled down her sun visor to look at them in the mirror. When we arrived at Target she bolted down an isle to look at herself in the mirror. She's all girl.
All girl, indeed!
Those are some stylin' glasses! Tell her I LOVE them!!!
Mrs. Nancy,
You had a blessed time with your daughter, you and her daddy:) Yep, that's all girl, alright, looking at yourself in any mirror you can find:)
Nice new look and a very pretty girl!
Love the glasses!
Nails polished and new glasses, I think we're in the same girl's club! :)
So enjoyed your blog...
Hope you can visit mine.....
Due to libary where I now view can't always download or view from here... But details of my other blogs where there are more pics about me etc...
Sunny (Freye)
I love her new look and so glad that she's proud of it too. She's adorable!
Very cute glasses!
I need some new ones in the worst way.
She definitely doesn't look 20!
That's sweet that she is so proud and wanted to keep looking in the mirror.
Have a great weekend, Nancy.
Good for her! Nice frames for her face. ;)
Hi, Nancy,
Just visiting around town, she looks nice, hope you remember me, be blessed.
C. Apana at
I like the new look, too! bb
Definitely all girl! ;o)
Sweetums needs new glasses too. Sigh.
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