I loved having a train in my back yard. We would swing on the swing while trying to count the number of train cars and then walk the tracks to see what we could find along the long desolate path. Mom told us to never walk on the tracks because trains could "sneak up" on us if we weren't paying attention. I thought this was an old wives' tale and did it anyway...until one day it happened. I'll never forget the chill of hearing the engine's horn and turning around to see that huge monster hot on our heels!
Jimmy knows I don't like to piddle around train tracks. We did a photo shoot on the tracks once before, but I was too tense for either of us to enjoy it. During the Labor Day holiday, however, he wanted to try it again. With two tripods, Dani, and Ecclesiastes in tow, I teetered on the rails and tried to have fun for the camera, while checking each direction every 20 seconds or so.
Then it happened. Moments after these pictures were taken I did my bi-directional safety check and low behold rounding the bend was a humongous train. Over its blaring horn I yelled, "There's a train! Get off the traaacks!" Frantically we ripped the tripods, child, and dog off the tracks and huddled together in a ball just 10 feet from the train as the wind current blew us to bits. Ecclesiastes was scared to death, so I covered his ears while Jimmy held him still. Needless to say we survived, but I will never be talked into piddling on railroad tracks again.
It's good to be alive!
Great pics...1 would never guess you were about to be blasted off the tracks by a train and it's loud horn!
Your mother sounded like a very wise woman! I'm so fearful of trains...I get nervous just driving over the tracks and I'm doing the same thing, looking frantically from side to side the whole time I'm crossing over them!
I agree with Linda, your mother was a very wise woman!
Great pictures! I've checked out your husbands website & blog - amazing photos! It inspires me to keep clicking the shutter button!
~ Leanne
I'm glad I don't have to blame dad for killing you all.
That's one blooper we wouldn't have wanted to see! Glad everyone is safe!
I was hoping you were going to say you were on a dead track - tracks to trails is a program to change old railroad tracks into hiking and biking trails. Makes me want to shake my index finger at you and Jimmy! Better not, ever again!
And, I will be giving you an award for your fabulous blog later today. Stop by to pick it up! Barbara
I'm glad that you all got off quick... I was the kid that all ways loved and still love trains, and I played on the tracks, I would put things for the train to smack, like pennies and things, I have all ways loved things like that...
thank you for the comments, Oh Simon is my little dog and Garfunkle is one kitten and the one that my daughter gave us is in Utah and her name is Marley...
You are in my prayers...
Whoa Mrs. Nancy! I'm glad you survived that one too!:) I think you should try a safer location next time, like a garden or the beach (good excuse to go to the beach, right?:)
LOL at this post, you are a brave woman to piddle there after having that experience as a kid. We have to cross tracks w/o a guard arm to get to our house. And we've learned that trains are sneaky! We always stop look and listen. And have taught our 16 year old daughter to do the same. But it is amazing that when she leaves the house or we are expecting her home at night, we hear a train coming, never fails!
Great pictures, Nancy. There were trains close enough to our house growin' up that you could hear them as if they were in your backyard but they weren't really even within walking distance so I can't say I've ever had the temptation to walk on them. Sometimes fear is wisdom. But really the pics are nice.
Wonderful pics. I loved the ones on the train tracks. A Missouri girl. I was born in Independence, but raised in Arkansas.....I enjoyed your blog. I will be back.
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