May 23, 2009

A Corny Deal

I don't which is handier, the microwave or Google. Today we found corn on the cob eight ears for $2.00. It's hot and humid in Kansas City and while corn on the cob sounded great, heating the house with hot boiling water didn't sound so kind. I couldn't help but figure someone's surely figured out how to cook corn cobs in the microwave so I Googled it and what do you know, you can cook an ear (in its husk) in one and one half minutes and it's fabulous. Add a little butter and salt and this sweet corn was one good deal!

Find some ears and give it a try. It's a great summer treat!


Cheryl Barker said...

Neat stuff! Thanks for sharing the tip!

Beverly said...

Thanks for sharing. I will have to tell my husband, he loves corn!